We have built long-term relationships with producers, both locally and internationally, to secure a sustainable supply of high-quality almonds. We work together with producers to ensure products are produced based on global demand and provide them with the necessary technical and financial support.
With transparency in mind, we perform the necessary due diligence and testing on sourced product to ensure the highest quality and to minimise risk for our clients.
We are a global marketing company aimed at identifying and developing international markets for our producers. This can only be accomplished by understanding our client's businesses and unique requirements and matching those requirements effectively.
Reliability is fundamental to our business. In our aim to develop trust and forge strong relationships with our clients, it is prudent that we deliver commodities on spec and on time during every trade. This helps us ensure we minimise risk and maximise certainty for all parties involved.
We manage the entire supply chain process which ensures clients receive their product in the most efficient and timely manner.
We select the most efficient
transportation for each stage along the supply chain to reduce the overall cost of the delivered product.
This includes storing and blending the product and transporting cargo by road, sea, rail and air to where it is needed across the world. We aim to provide a complete service for our clients.